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Something about unfolding Bennifer events, this rekindling of an old flame, has got all of us het up. We are giddy. Even the Blue 84 navy quinnipiac bobcats 2023 ncaa men’s ice hockey national champions top rung shirt What’s more,I will buy this most cynical of us, worn down by fake news and corrosive politics, wants this to be real. Want all Jen and Ben to be happy, we want the comeback. I can’t help but conclude that the return of Bennifer matters. It doesn’t matter like the covid vaccination rollout matters. It doesn’t matter like Pizzagate matters. But somehow, it matters.

Vivian, 9, knows every word to the Blue 84 navy quinnipiac bobcats 2023 ncaa men’s ice hockey national champions top rung shirt What’s more,I will buy this Sailor Moon theme song, “Moonlight Densetsu,” which is a little complicated, culturally speaking, since Vivian doesn’t speak Japanese. She’s big into phonetics, though. And singing aloud. And she’s irrepressible, performative, quick to execute any number of dance-and-song routines for TV theme songs she likes.Sitting beside my daughter for all those hours, I relished the spectacle of a meticulously rendered world and a set of young girls who band together to save it.