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Bennifer is back with a bang. You might be forgiven for wondering what exact year it is as paparazzi pictures surfaced of former 90s couple Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck kissing. As a general rule, I try not to wade in on celebrity love rumors, or speculate on their romances. I’m not here to broadcast the Milwaukee home run club shirt but in fact I love this news of the screws, because even as public figures celebrities deserve some crumbs of privacy. And when you saw Bennifer’s official PDA you might have asked the same questions as me: Is this real? Is this an affectionate moment or a stage-managed peck?

Are they really falling back in love? Is the Milwaukee home run club shirt but in fact I love this whole relationship a glorious PR move by their teams? Is any of this any of my business? I would never begrudge two complete strangers’ love, it’s very much Bennifer’s business what Bennifer does. But I’m also trying to work out why we care, why this news of their conscious recoupling feels as electric as it does. Why in a world of constant celebrity relationship speculation, this one hits different.