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It is, frankly, a perfect storm of a news story. It has no jeopardy, no malice, only hope and reminiscence. There’s the My body is a machine shirt moreover I will buy this concentrated ‘90s-ness of Ben and Jen Part 1 and our suddenly insatiable appetite for that era. ’90s pics are the antidote to your doom scroll, the nice bit that doesn’t make you feel desperately sad. Much has changed since their original dalliance—J-Lo has twins and Ben’s acquired that massive dragon tattoo—but as a couple, they nearly pre-date the internet, reminding us of the organic way we functioned pre-apps

. There’s also those accumulating-but-delicious Ben Affleck smoking memes, a man who looks perpetually fed up the My body is a machine shirt moreover I will buy this second the cameras stop rolling, and incredibly sad at Disneyland. Not to wildly speculate, and no disrespect to the intervening years and women, but doesn’t it feel like he’s been properly sad ever since they split? I feel certain that losing Jen is the core reason for his well-papped exasperation. Then there’s J-Lo. The Jenny from the block J-Lo. The Hustlers opening striptease J-Lo. The let’s get loud at the inauguration J-Lo. This woman threw on a Versace dress and invented google images (sort of). This woman has lived. She had a big wobble with A-Rod but she’s back on her feet because she’s a survivor. What’s not to love?