All that might explain why the O kay tagal din kitang minahal mamahalin shirt also I will do this work of an artist and writer like Alison Bechdel feels so pivotal. Bechdel has been woven into the fabric of lesbian cultural identity ever since she started publishing the comic strip Dykes to Watch Out For in 1983, and at no point in her decades-long career has she ever compromised on directly addressing her sexuality. To understand Bechdel as a chronicler of lesbian issues only, though, is to sell her short; the exploration of queer identity makes up just one part of her broad oeuvre, along with the family trauma she examined in the 2006 graphic memoir (and later Broadway musical) Fun Home, the psychoanalysis she delved into in 2012’s companion piece Are You My Mother?, and—most recently—the lifelong obsession with exercise that she crystallizes in next month’s The Secret to Superhuman Strength (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt).

Outside of the O kay tagal din kitang minahal mamahalin shirt also I will do this niche queer-graphic-novel world, Bechdel is perhaps best known for the Bechdel Test, a measure of the representation of women onscreen and in print. (For a work to pass the test, two female characters must talk to each other about something other than a man.) When, on a recent call, I ask Bechdel what it’s like to be forever enshrined in feminist history thanks to her eponymous test, she laughs and responds, “I feel very pleased by it, but for a while I felt a bit befuddled. I never sat down and said, ‘This is going to be a thing,’ but I’ve come to accept it and even feel proud of it.”