With society at large running on an early bird schedule we INFJs (males) are in many cases sleep deprived. Do you recognize these things in a male acquaintance of yours? Perhaps an INFJ male? Just saying! In general INFJs enjoy complex and abstract subject matters around philosophy, psychology, art and science. Many personality types like these subjects, however. A telltale sign that a man might be INFJ, is that he can easily hold two seemingly opposing belief systems. For instance, he might be a scientist, but still is spiritual or religious. Typically, the On the road again Jeff beck unique shirt and I love this INFJ male is a philanthropist, politically on the left end of the spectrum and encouraging sustainability and pro environmental causes. Many other personal interests they have might make them come off as hipsters.

Hipsters are known to like obsolete things ironically, like vinyl records, VHS, 8-bit Nintendo games, clothes from the On the road again Jeff beck unique shirt and I love this 80s & 90s et cetera. Granted, that the hipster movement nowadays is more of a mainstream thing. Some people might like those obsolete things ironically just because it’s edgy, but will move on to wherever the trend goes eventually. INFJ males usually don’t like to follow trends however. They will many times like those same obsolete things, but genuinely. With some things they might seem trendy all of a sudden, but this is most likely random. Probably, some peculiar interest they already had became popular all of a sudden.