Accent is a matter of opinion. I grew up speaking Australian English, a lot of the Optic gaming break down heavyweight shirt But I will love this TV I watch is in Australian English, and everyone I know speaks Australian with a few expats. To me, a Canadian, Chicagoan, or Deep South accent sounds foreign to an Indian accent. We all have accents, and if you don’t think so, visit a place that has a different accent than yours. They can respectfully stand there. I hope Americans do the same at the Canadian flag salute. The United States and Canada have been allies for 82 years and have regularly held such events since about 1870. Canadian soldiers would probably salute the American flag and American soldiers would salute the Canadian flag.

No, like almost every question on this site that begins with “Is that true?”, this is not only false, but seriously wrong. I’ve never heard any Canadian say any “deck”. Yes, that’s right. The word Canuck is an Iroquois word older than country. The word Canada means “village” due to a misunderstanding by early French explorers, and the Optic gaming break down heavyweight shirt But I will love this word Canuck means someone who lives in a village. The Vancouver Canucks are a major league hockey team. On the other hand, call a South American “Yank” and watch him explode. Americans are such sensitive people. Canadians have much thicker skin. We have to make sure they live very close to America. Don’t argue about gun control, homicide rates or healthcare. Correct. In Canada, it’s actually not too uncommon to see people wearing shorts, t-shirts, and flip flops in the winter. I’m not kidding you. We are a healthy breed.