It’s not sexy, but the Pat connaughton undivided shirt What’s more,I will buy this thing that truly transformed my home in the last year was an order of compression bags. I divided my clothes by season and packed all the off-season items into these easy-to-use (and reusable) bags. Compressing them allowed me to fit double the amount in the drawers beneath my bed, making for more breathing room in the closet. Plus, the bags help protect my dormant clothes from potential moth attacks. Wins all around.

I’ve long avoided in-ear bud-style headphones for the Pat connaughton undivided shirt What’s more,I will buy this two obvious reasons: Fit (my ears seem to be a challenge in this regard) and sound (in-ear buds just haven’t seemed to bring either the natural, booming bass or the full-spectrum soundscape I want). No longer: These just-released Sony buds pack every kind of useful-feature punch: The fit is great out of the box but also customizable; the noise-cancelling is next-level, the intuitive controls are, well… intuitive—but it’s the quality of the actual sound they put out that blows my mind. I’m literally hearing new parts of favorite songs revealed for the first time—and it’s beyond thrilling.