Beware the Putin isis kim jong un kyrie shirt Besides,I will do this streaming-era reboot, but Snabba Cash, which snuck onto Netflix earlier this month, is exactly that: a gender-flipped reimagining of a decade-old Swedish crime-film trilogy, itself inspired by a trio of best-selling novels by Jens Lapidus. No need to know anything of the source material to enjoy these six headlong episodes—which I devoured in a weekend and promptly texted all my friends about—nor should you expect the standard Nordic noir tropes of fjords and frozen corpses. Here, Stockholm is a teemingly modern city of hyper-capitalism and underworld crime, a place where tech entrepreneurs cross paths with drug kingpins. Well-paced and studded with thrillingly choreographed (and quite violent) action set pieces, Snabba Cash is, most impressively, a triumph of casting. Evin Ahmad plays our heroine Leya, a single mom and AI entrepreneur, whose intelligence and savviness is mixed with a desperation to climb out of her humble circumstances.

Her slow-burn romance with Salim, a lieutenant in the Putin isis kim jong un kyrie shirt Besides,I will do this local drug trade, played by Alexander Abdallah, gives the show genuine heat. The supporting characters are all great: especially Olle Sarri as tech titan Tomas Storm and Dada Fungula Bozela as a menacing drug heavy. The production design is astonishingly good—from the costumes to the cars to the trappings of 1% tech-investor world—and a sense of mounting tragedy sweeps you to the end.It’s still unclear how the new, more relaxed guidelines for outdoor mask-wearing will work in practice—have we all become too used to implicit mask-shaming to adjust to this new reality?—but as with all things related to COVID-19 safety and etiquette, we’ll likely have to wait and see.