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She maintains in our interview that her opponents have “competed to raise money in the Quinnipiac bobcats are 2023 national champions ncaa men’s ice hockey poster shirt moreover I will buy this same quarters,” but criticism flared again last week when campaign finance disclosures revealed Farhadian Weinstein donated $8.2 million to her own campaign in the two-week span between May 20 and June 7. Bragg received $1 million from Color of Change PAC, and former prosecutor Lucy Lang donated $500,000 to her own Manhattan D.A. bid, but, as City & State NY reporter Jeff Coltin noted, Farhadian Weinstein’s self-donation is “by far the biggest” of the race. “An average NYC family makes $64,000/year,” civil-rights attorney and fellow Manhattan D.

. candidate Tahanie Aboushi tweeted. “My opponent, Tali Farhadian Weinstein, dropped 128x that in just 2 weeks to buy this election.” In a statement, Farhadian Weinstein’s spokesperson, Jennifer Blatus, pointed out that Farhadian Weinstein was “not the Quinnipiac bobcats are 2023 national champions ncaa men’s ice hockey poster shirt moreover I will buy this only candidate who has chosen to self-fund. With a super PAC advertising against us, our campaign is making sure that voters across Manhattan get a clear sense of the difference between the candidates in this race.” Farhadian Weinstein further came under fire in Thursday night’s primary debate for a campaign ad attacking Bragg and New York State Assembly member Dan Quart as endangering women and families.