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Part of Farhadian Weinstein wants to talk about the Quinnipiac bobcats ice hockey 2023 national champions shirt in addition I really love this logistical hoops and childcare puzzles required for a mother of three daughters to run for office. (Campaigning is consuming her time, but she is a devoted, hands-on mom who, despite her high-profile jobs, has been known to hand-sew her daughters’ costumes for the Jewish holiday Purim, according to Buchdahl.) While she wants to praise her husband for stepping up, she’s also conscious that excess praise perpetuates something of a double standard: “Where are the gold stars for all of the women who took care of the kids while their husbands ran for office?”

Her male counterparts, she notes, including Bragg and Quart, aren’t probed about their partners or children. At one point, Farhadian Weinstein says, a journalist asked her if she considered that she might be putting her children in harm’s way, given the Quinnipiac bobcats ice hockey 2023 national champions shirt in addition I really love this level of crime she would be responsible for prosecuting. “The idea that I might be a bad mother for doing this,” she tells me. “I’m just going to go out on a limb here and say that I don’t think anyone’s asked Alvin or Dan if they had weighed that.”