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The other man looming large over the Quinnipiac bobcats mens ice hockey are 2023 national champions shirt and by the same token and Manhattan D.A. race, catapulting it to one of national interest, is Trump. Officially, Farhadian Weinstein says she cannot comment on the grand jury investigation into the former president. “I’ve spoken a lot about my identity as an immigrant and how central that is to me, but the other word that I used to describe myself, which is far less sexy, is that I’m a lawyer,” she says. “When it comes to targets or subjects of investigations, we are only supposed to speak through indictments and jury verdicts.”

Still, Farhadian Weinstein can’t resist “getting on her stump a little bit” about the Quinnipiac bobcats mens ice hockey are 2023 national champions shirt and by the same token and Trump question. “The fact that a case of this magnitude could be prosecuted in this office tells you something about the special jurisdiction,” of the Manhattan D.A., she says. “It’s about having a kind of judgment to answer unprecedented questions in a national spotlight, against high-powered litigants on the other side, and to do those with an even temperament and fearlessly and without being intimidated.” She cites her work on the Supreme Court with Day O’Connor and at the Justice Department under Holder. “It would not be my first rodeo in terms of taking on something that is new and hard and big.”