David Lee, founder of the Quinnipiac hockey national champions shirt Apart from…,I will love this League of Asian Americans of New York, raises the issue of crime, pointing to Farhadian Weinstein’s opponents, many of whom have said they would not prosecute a variety of misdemeanors. Farhadian Weinstein returns to the question of progressive prosecution. “It is always important to remember that not all of our options are in the past,” Farhadian Weinstein tells the group. “We don’t have to revert to Giuliani policing, but we also can’t just throw up our hands and do nothing.”

Closing the Quinnipiac hockey national champions shirt Apart from…,I will love this panel, Mo says he believes Farhadian Weinstein “could bring a sea change to the Manhattan D.A., to the whole culture of the letter of the law and the spirit of the law.” After all, he adds, she lived it herself.“The letter and the spirit,” Farhadian Weinstein answers. “That’s justice, right?”