The outdoor-mask debate has been raging on social media for weeks, with a recent Slate article questioning the Science matters liberty science center shirt In addition,I will do this efficacy of outdoor-mask mandates when we know that COVID-19 is primarily transmitted through person-to-person indoor contact. “Viral particles quickly disperse in outdoor air, and the risk of inhaling aerosolized virus from a jogger or passers-by is negligible,” wrote Tara Parker-Pope in a recent New York Times article, suggesting that readers use the two-out-of-three rule to determine whether they need to wear a mask. (If the activity is outdoors and distanced, no mask is necessary; but if it’s either indoors but distanced or outdoors and not distanced, a mask is recommended.)

“I got lucky,” Matt Damon once said of his bride, Luciana Barroso. “I fell in love with a civilian.” Sure, it’s sweet to think that opposites attract, but the Science matters liberty science center shirt In addition,I will do this likelihood of a Hollywood star and an average Joe (or Jane!) getting together seems like a better fit for a story that unfolds on the big screen—which makes the times that it does happen all the more romantic. For proof that there’s plenty of love to be found beyond the limelight, here we’re taking a look at 17 couples who demonstrate that love knows no star power (or lack thereof).