Buy this shirt:
If you’ve got fully virgin hair—that means no chemical treatments, including straightening—that’s the Seattle kraken vs Colorado avalanche 2023 stanley cup playoffs shirt besides I will buy this perfect base to start from and you can just go with it. If you are dyeing your own hair, follow the instructions and everything will be amazing—but you must read the instructions. That’s another thing people don’t do, you’d be surprised. There’s a process to it.

Don’t apply dye directly to the Seattle kraken vs Colorado avalanche 2023 stanley cup playoffs shirt besides I will buy this roots because they’ll lift up quicker than the ends due to the heat from your head. Apply to the ends first and do the roots in the last 20 minutes, and that will give an even color. I don’t agree that when you’re bleaching your hair, you need to do it three times. I like to use a slightly lower level of peroxide, but leave it on for longer and do the roots towards the end.