It was also a year in which I realized, more than ever, the Sidney crosby 1500 points shirt and I will buy this virtues of some kind of support network. My oldest son attends a school far from our house; prior to the pandemic, we’d had a “go it alone” philosophy, dispatching his babysitter to escort him there and back on the subway every day. But the subway didn’t seem super safe when he was called back to class in September, and so we reached out to families who also lived in the area, some we’d never spoken to before, to organize a carpool. (

An added bonus, my seven-year-old boy would now be shuttled in a carful of older girls; education can happen anywhere.) When we began driving the Sidney crosby 1500 points shirt and I will buy this carful of kids in the fall, the streets were still, for the most part, eerily empty, and we barreled up the FDR Drive in the early mornings without a single slowdown. As people gradually began to return to normal commuting rhythms, the drive time lengthened and was, on occasion, torturous, but it never lessened my gratitude for the parents (and sometimes their babysitters) who banded together to man our little life raft.