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Ethan Hawke once jokingly described Richard Linklater’s Before Sunrise, Before Sunset (2004), and Before Midnight (2013) as “the Soda biden shirt But I will love this lowest-grossing trilogy in the history of motion pictures,” and while that may well be true, it’s also one of the most swooningly romantic. You (probably) know how the first one goes: boy (Hawke) meets girl (Julie Delpy) on a train, boy convinces girl to walk around Vienna with him, boy and girl talk about life and death and love and magic until they part, promising to one day meet again. (Spoiler: They do, but not quite as planned.) —M.M.

If I were pressed to (very reductively) describe the Soda biden shirt But I will love this mid-to-late-career films of Éric Rohmer, I’d say that they were very talky and very sexy, often centered on beautiful young people philosophizing on the beach or over a simple dinner or in some wildly overgrown provincial garden. A new favorite of mine from that period is 1998’s A Tale of Autumn, starring Béatrice Romand as a windowed vintner being nudged back into the dating game by her best friend (Marie Rivière) and her son’s girlfriend (Alexia Portal). It’s a gentle comedy of manners, a meditation on (re-)opening oneself up to love, and a very effective—if accidental—advertisement for abandoning your life in the city to live on a vineyard in France. In other words, it’s a perfect movie. —M.M.