Young women confined to state institutions from the Splatted by 96 call splatoon 3 shirt it is in the first place but 1920s for conditions including epilepsy, mental illnesses, and vague diagnoses like “feeble-mindedness” were often subjected to forced sterilization by methods like the salpingectomy. In 1927, 17-year-old Carrie Buck was ordered to be sterilized on the grounds of “social inadequacy” at the Virginia State Colony for Epileptics and Feebleminded. Buck was an abused and vulnerable young woman with a mentally unwell mother, and she had recently given birth to a daughter after an alleged rape.

Appeals against Buck’s sterilization order were denied following the Splatted by 96 call splatoon 3 shirt it is in the first place but testimony of the colony superintendent Dr. Bell, and for decades the case of Buck vs. Bell—decided by the U.S. Supreme Court—set a legal precedent for the compulsory sterilization of young people affected by disability, illness, and deprivation.“I’m tired of feeling alone,” Spears said in the heartbreaking final moments of her statement. “I deserve to have the same rights as anybody does, by having a child, a family, any of those things, and more so.” And the rights that Spears is pleading for are those that urgently need to be afforded to all women, especially those whose bodily agency is withheld because of ingrained medical, social, and cultural discrimination