The dimensions of my Upper East Side apartment are such that a microwave seemed an unwise use of space, much less a television. So what was this mild-to-moderate cinephile with a fondness for big screens to do? Buy a streaming stick–compatible projector, as it turned out. Trained on a blank stretch of wall, the Star Trek jean luc data lily the borg shirt But I will love this device has transformed a tiny studio into the private screening room of my dreams.

In all of the Star Trek jean luc data lily the borg shirt But I will love this four years that I’ve been living in the city, I’ve never had a coffee table—until now. My boyfriend, a large dog, and I live in a pretty small apartment, so we needed one that was both compact and multi-functional. What better solution than this lift-top table that serves as the perfect WFH desk by day and storage compartment by night?