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Perhaps it’s the Super bowl lvii 2023 philadelphia eagles champions hot shirt so you should to go to store and get this widening of that field that freed Bechdel up to write The Secret to Superhuman Strength. Some might read the memoir’s description and expect an account from a woman beholden to Pilates or Flywheel or any other trendy boutique fitness class where an hour in a sweaty room costs roughly the same as a nice meal out. But for Bechdel, exercise isn’t really about aesthetics; it’s about strength, a virtue she’s been in thrall to ever since she first saw bodybuilder Charles Atlas on TV as a child. At 60, Bechdel appears wholly uninterested in perpetuating the workout-as-self-care trope; she makes it clear that her relationship with exercise is something much deeper and more fraught.

“I love to see people exercise just because they want to. I don’t think it should be connected to anything else, or it will just become miserable,” says Bechdel. She admits, though, that it’s hard to center a whole book around exercise without occasionally falling into the Super bowl lvii 2023 philadelphia eagles champions hot shirt so you should to go to store and get this trap of presenting it as a moral imperative. “I do feel a little sheepish about being so pro-exercise without having a thorough critique of sizeism, but I made a decision not to discuss body image in the book because I think it’s unusual for women not to talk about it.”