Zalika U. Ibaorimi—a Black studies scholar, performance artist, and practitioner of the Tampa bay rays 10 wins this season shirt Additionally,I will love this Ifa tradition as well as Christianity—saw her spirituality deepen during the pandemic. She moved back home when the virus struck and was able to spend time with her godmother, Darasia Selby, who is well versed in the rituals and practice of Ifa. In September, Ibaorimi received the hand of Ifa, a shrine where offerings can be given to ancestors and blessings can be received. It’s traditionally given as a first initiation into the tradition.

The person will also receive a reading as well as an Odu book. (There are 16 major books in the Tampa bay rays 10 wins this season shirt Additionally,I will love this Ifa tradition that outline the inner workings of the religion.) The choice of Odu books and reading determines the Orisha—a spiritual force or deity that guides one’s consciousness—that the person will practice under. “Monthly, I’m able to go to my godmother to do that work,” Ibaorimi says. “If I were somewhere else, I wouldn’t be able to have contact with her.” She emphasizes how spiritual traditions can have a strengthening effect when it comes to social justice. “I hope that people can see it as a way to live. This is technology that I hope Black people can see is theirs. Ours.”