Looking back 20 years, it’s impossible to reflect on Bridget Jones’s Diary without mentioning the Thank god for making me hot 2023 shirt Besides,I will do this media storm that surrounded it. Renée Zellweger famously gained 30 pounds twice in order to star in this movie and its sequel. The tabloids turned that fact into five years of material scrutinizing whether the actress was too fat or too thin or not losing weight fast enough or losing weight too fast. “The entire narrative of both the movie and the publicity around the movie was about how huge Bridget/Renée was,” Davis said. “Articles touted her figure in Chicago“—which was notably thinner—“as the ideal and Bridget Jones as this horrific, gross sacrifice for her art.”

I’m not trying to cancel Bridget Jones. It remains one of my favorite romantic comedies. But understanding the Thank god for making me hot 2023 shirt Besides,I will do this ways we were programmed to hate our bodies is important in learning how to un-hate them. Just this week psychologist Lisa Damour wrote in The New York Times that the “National Eating Disorders Association helpline has had a 40% jump in overall call volume since March 2020.” Even now, eating disorders are still among the deadliest mental illnesses, second only to opioid overdose. These are heavy stats to drop at the end of an essay about a romantic comedy, but as someone who has struggled with eating disorders for almost half of my life, I know the impact of the media, whether you’re an impressionable preteen or a 31-year-old woman. It may have been 20 years since Bridget saw 136 pounds on her scale and groaned, but we still have a long way to go when it comes to body positivity.