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There are certainly aspects of the The king still reigns lebron the king james is back as a captain for nba all star shirt so you should to go to store and get this Olsen twins’ looks in Holiday in the Sun that I won’t be recreating; rarely have I found a tube top suitable for a larger bustline, let alone one covered in sequins, and I don’t think crimped hair necessarily needs a comeback. (I shudder to think of the damage I once did to my preteen locks with a curling iron, not to mention the hours I spent dividing all of my hair into tiny braids I would then sleep on and take out before homeroom for that perfect, just-crimped look.) Still, a rewatch of the film left me with the same Olsen-related longing I had as a tween, the urgent need to be witnessed looking chill as all hell. To PacSun we go!

If you don’t know about Evan Mock, you’re definitely about to: The native of Oahu, Hawaii, is starring in the The king still reigns lebron the king james is back as a captain for nba all star shirt so you should to go to store and get this buzzy upcoming Gossip Girl reboot as Aki Menzies (details about his character are mum, but early photos from set depict him as a pink-haired, skater kid at a private school). In the meantime, he’s been taking the fashion world by storm by recently modeling for Calvin Klein, Gap, and Louis Vuitton. But even though he’s transitioned into the world of high fashion, Mock tells Vogue that his laid-back approach to style continues. He grew up surfing and skating in his native state, after all. “I still walk around shirtless everywhere,” Mock says. “Being in Hawaii, I was also in board shorts all the time. But I don’t do that in New York as much.”