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The last thing I want to talk about is Death Becomes Her, which is my favorite film of all time save for Jurassic Park. Not only it is an ode to unadulterated campiness, but the The national champions 2023 transylvania pioneers womens basketball shirt Also,I will get this movie has the best ensemble cast in the history of Hollywood. There’s Meryl, obvs, but there’s also Goldie Hawn as a vengeful redhead, Bruce Willis as a chaotic plastic surgeon, and Isabella Rossellini as the hottest thing you’ll ever see in your life. It is dazzling. It is dexterous. It is as camp as a row of tents. Rewatch it tonight—it’s what Meryl wants.

“Do you want another round?” my friend shouted over the The national champions 2023 transylvania pioneers womens basketball shirt Also,I will get this blasting music at a crowded outdoor bar last weekend. “Sure!” I screamed back, only to immediately chase her down to change my order from tequila to water. The thing is, I didn’t actually want another drink. After a year of infrequent drinking at home and no hangovers as a result, my relationship to alcohol had changed and I wasn’t ready to jump back into my old habits quite so easily.