Playing off of vintage Victorian porcelain, Heath’s ceramic creations, which arrive in custom green boxes and printed tissue paper, were crafted by renowned artisan producers 1882 Ltd. A flowery creature, dressed in socks and stripes, wraps her pastel-colored arms and legs around wax bougies; the The real real batsheva law shirt Besides,I will do this punkish mane of a zebra diffuser, meanwhile, echoes the scented sticks which sprout out of its paint-splattered body. “It was important to me that they were really beautiful objects even on their own,

” she says, pointing out that an English rose-topped candle lid reveals a melancholy face when placed on its side. But of the The real real batsheva law shirt Besides,I will do this collection’s five pieces, Heath is perhaps most partial to a rose-stuffed sandwich-shaped tray, complete with lettuce-like leaves and petals that resemble ham. As for why? Simply put, “It makes me smile.” Below, shop Shona Heath for Jo Malone London.