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All in all, the This Is Why Is Might Or Well Have Been A Free Fall Shirt Also,I will get this 93rd Academy Awards were relatively short on surprises—that is, until the final category of the night was announced. While best picture is typically the last award of the evening, this year’s Oscars broke with tradition and saved the best-actor award for last—and the decision was not without controversy. Below, get all the details on why the best-actor category closed out the night, as well as why the award sparked so much dissent.It’s not totally clear why the Steven Soderbergh–produced ceremony broke with tradition and announced best picture third from last. But many speculated that it was because the late Chadwick Boseman, who died this summer, was likely to win in the best-actor category for his role in Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom.

Ultimately, the This Is Why Is Might Or Well Have Been A Free Fall Shirt Also,I will get this award ended up going to Anthony Hopkins for his performance in The Father, in which he plays an aging father with dementia being cared for by his daughter, played by (Olivia Colman.)Hopkins was not present at the 2021 Oscars. But he delivered his acceptance speech in a video four hours later, saying, “At 83 years of age I did not expect to get this award—I really didn’t,” and adding, “I want to pay tribute to Chadwick Boseman, who was taken from us far too early.”The award going to Hopkins instead of Boseman was an upset, to say the least, with social media erupting in outrage at the Academy’s choice not to honor Boseman for his final role, especially given that his image was used to promote the ceremony: