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In an interview with the Travis kelce patrick mahomes and pacheco super bowl lvii champions Kansas city Chiefs signatures shirt and by the same token and Paris Review in 1984, James Baldwin said: “I think that it is a spiritual disaster to pretend that one doesn’t love one’s country. You may disapprove of it, you may be forced to leave it, you may live your whole life as a battle, yet I don’t think you can escape it. There isn’t any other place to go—you don’t pull up your roots and put them down someplace else.” I love his use of “spiritual disaster.” You can’t—you shouldn’t—teach yourself to fall out of love with a place. I dislike, for example, the growing dogmatism of Pakistani society; the polluted air; the patriarchal norms that provide cover for and justify all kinds of violence against women. I dislike, too, the anxious obsession with “showing a positive side of Pakistan in the West.” As in India—under the grip of a new authoritarian populism—critiquing Pakistan now amounts to a kind of treachery.

I love the Travis kelce patrick mahomes and pacheco super bowl lvii champions Kansas city Chiefs signatures shirt and by the same token and openness of the Bay area, the fact that I can wear what I want without fear of appraisal or judgment. But my work, my friendships, the meaning of my life, resides in Karachi—Karachi makes me come alive. The moment I land in the city and the car begins speeding down Shah Rah-e-Faisal, one of Karachi’s longest boulevards, the city thrums with possibility: There is work to be done, and this port megacity is the best place to do it. A flock of pigeons always sits atop the Aisha Bawany Academy building, a girls’ school. Other buildings flank the road, but the pigeons have marked the school as their own. Anticipating their inevitable presence—in January, in scorching June, in October—has become a ritual, their fleeting company a kind of talismanic nod.