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Taylor Hodgkins, a 27-year-old freelance writer in Bowling Green, Kentucky, is also feeling the Tummy hurts pro skater shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this pressure since Anthony Fauci gave vaccinated folks the okay to gather inside. “The pandemic essentially made me realize how social my relationship with alcohol is,” she said. “It’s been so easy to get caught up in the whole experience of being out with friends and continuing to drink more than intended.”For many of the women, the pandemic helped illuminate the negative effect alcohol was having on their health.

Some are afraid that declining invitations for alcohol-focused activities will harm their friendships. “I stepped back from drinking during COVID, and it seems like I’m the Tummy hurts pro skater shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this only one in my friend group not itching to go back,” Melissa Guerrero, a 29-year-old H.R. assistant in Southern California, told me. “I’ve found that alcohol makes me anxious now and frankly have been considering going completely sober.” She fears that declaring herself sober would make “the invitations stop.” Ari Kill, a 29-year-old publicist in New York City, used to feel social pressure to drink but is advocating for a new, drier lifestyle as in-person events return. “Prior to the pandemic, I was a social drinker due to my job,” she told me. “But the pandemic has made me more aware of some of my habits, and now I don’t feel the need to socially drink.”