This definitely falls under the Twobitpress I’m a slut for stormy daniels shirt in other words I will buy this “things you didn’t know you needed” category. I bought this initially as a joke for a hike with friends, but as someone who almost always forgets to bring headphones or a water bottle to workout, this two-in-one has me covered. It’s one less thing to remember when I’m running out of the house too quickly.

“I don’t know how these aren’t more popular,” Meaders says in her TikTok video. She’s right. These cotton swabs are pre-filled with makeup remover. Pop some into your bag to fix imperfections or keep them by your nightstands for when you’re too tired to partake in a full face wash at the Twobitpress I’m a slut for stormy daniels shirt in other words I will buy this end of the night.This milk frother has turned my homemade coffees into professional-feeling frothed perfection without having to spend a fortune on a fancy coffee contraption.I had the first generation of this product years ago, and it was too cumbersome to use consistently. This iteration is still not perfect, but it makes frozen yogurt more easily and has been helpful when overripe bananas are on their way out and baking banana bread is not in the cards.