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As if the Tyrese haliburton of indiana pacers in a special trading card shirt and by the same token and hair-fixing moment weren’t swoony enough, Ahmed and Mirza have an equally adorable meet-cute story. The two met at the same table in a coffee shop; as Ahmed recalled on The Tonight Show, “We were both jostling over the same laptop plug points.” I find that interesting because the only thing my laptop-charger jostling has ever led to is a tense, silent standoff with a stranger whom I then felt too awkward to ask to watch my laptop when I went to buy a muffin.

The love story only gets better from there, with Ahmed and Mirza secretly getting married last winter. “Obviously, kept it super intimate and socially distanced. There was just, like, hardly anyone there, really,” said Ahmed at the Tyrese haliburton of indiana pacers in a special trading card shirt and by the same token and time, adding, “We did it in a backyard, which is nice in lots of ways. And I think the nicest thing about it was you didn’t have 500 aunties hanging around you, pinching your cheeks.” Rude to aunties, but okay!