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I hate that notion that you have to advocate for yourself, but it’s so true. And for female-bodied people on the Uconn huskies women’s 2023 ncaa men’s basketball tournament march madness final four shirt Besides,I will do this spectrum of race or gender, you have to advocate for yourself more. Just the idea of advocating for yourself at all, it’s so ridiculous. I’m not the best at advocating for myself. It takes me an extra space to create that critical thinking. But I’ve had a relatively healthy, positive experience thus far.Well, John and the writer Alissa Nutting had done this not feature-length, but not really a short film—more like a 70-page sort of a fever-dream-tone poem—and it didn’t have a particular structure. It was really about the haunting feeling of a miscarriage

. I was drawn to the Uconn huskies women’s 2023 ncaa men’s basketball tournament march madness final four shirt Besides,I will do this project because of the particular horror that I felt when I learned about John’s birth experience. It just made me think of the male partners, or the non-pregnant-person partners in a way that really intrigued me. I mean, I still think the film rides that line of we’re not sure who’s going to take this for their own narrative; it could go a couple ways. And the way that politics steal women’s bodies is just interesting to me. I don’t even know which political party would back this movie! That’s really John Lee’s punk expression. It’s really cool to me when art is so specific that it doesn’t fall into a set of values, it just leaves you expanding your mind.