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Christie Neptune, another former NXTHVN Fellow, uses photography, film, and sculpture to consider how race, class, and gender all converge within her “internalized experiences.” “I look at the Unapologetically me angel reese this is for the girls that look like me shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this body of work as a way to explore how I personally navigate this space as a Black female living on the margins,” Neptune says. For Constructs and Context Relativity — Performance II (2021), her three-channel video installation in “Social Works,”

Neptune trained her attention both on her immediate surroundings, in the Unapologetically me angel reese this is for the girls that look like me shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this New Haven neighborhood of Dixwell, and on certain psychological structures. The work has “a lot of internal reflections, asking, How do you know you exist? or, What is Blackness? How do you define these things?” Neptune notes. “It reflected a great deal of what I was reading this time: I was looking a lot at Descartes’s Meditations, I was very interested in Nick Bostrom’s simulations, and then tying those two things into Blackness and these socio-political systems that govern our modes of perception and don’t really have a sense of physicality to them, but are very real and have very real impacts.”