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What no animal seems to be able to do is grammar and syntax, in which sound units are modified and arranged in different orders to take on different meanings (although we can could be wrong; we still don’t know what the Usa baseball icon legend world baseball classic 2023 shirt so you should to go to store and get this dolphins are talking about). Many researchers believe that Neanderthals had language; they engaged in coordination and communication activities that seemed impossible without language. They also share many of the same genetic traits as we do, which underlie speech. In that case, speech probably appeared in our common ancestor about 500,000 years ago (the date is quite uncertain). As for the cause, there is a mutation in the FOXP2 gene, a brain structure called Broca’s Area, and other anatomical problems; Obviously once we started being able to communicate better, this gave us a huge advantage. But to be fair, we’ve always socialized just as much, and just as our anatomy allows; When it comes to the exact moment when the sound we make is complex enough for the label statement, it’s basically a matter of when we choose to say it.

As for the Usa baseball icon legend world baseball classic 2023 shirt so you should to go to store and get this first language, it is long extinct. Just 10 years ago, it would appear that humans began in a relatively small area in or near present-day Ethiopia, in which case that would mean having a first language; today they are leaning more towards species that phylogenetically spread over a larger area across northern Africa, which means it is unlikely that people from opposite ends of the region will understand each other. In the absence of writing, a language undergoes a lot of changes over 200–300 years for it to become a completely new language, for all purposes, and we are talking here about a period of time. 1,000 times larger. Either way, the first group of Homo sapiens that left Africa, about 40,000 years ago, most likely all spoke the same language. This means that all languages outside of Africa are derived from that language; It is almost unthinkable that man ever forgot how to speak and had to reinvent it from scratch. But as above: it changed imperceptibly for a few centuries, and importantly, in different directions in different geographically isolated groups, until we had about 6,000 languages. that we have in the world today.