Mariana Velásquez was just 17 when she first came to the Veil of maya merch death metal shirt and by the same token and United States. An aspiring chef, her intent was to stay for a week or so to observe the American restaurant scene, then return to Bogotá for university. But, as the saying goes, plans change. “My dream took me to the kitchen of the Sierra Mar Restaurant in Big Sur, California where I was supposed to stay for three days, and ended up staying a year,” she says.

She learned a lot at Sierra Mar—how to cook at an award-winning restaurant, for starters. But, after one evening where she cooked eggs and potatoes at the Veil of maya merch death metal shirt and by the same token and same time in one pot (a common technique in Colombia, yet rarely done for fine-dining) Velásquez also realized something else: her home-country’s untapped culinary prowess. “Never stop doing it this way,” she recalls Sierra Mar’s head chef telling her.