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When I ask Bechdel what she hopes people take away from the Walkaway shirt in contrast I will get this book, I expect her to say more about the discipline that exercise has brought to her life. Instead, she’s almost philosophical in response: “I hope people take away a belief that it’s possible to really change. That’s a question I’ve often had for myself—like, Am I really making any kind of psychic or spiritual progress in my life? But I really do think that if we apply ourselves, we can change. The only thing is that it takes so much longer than anyone ever suspects! If we really knew how long it took to make real change happen in ourselves, we would quit immediately.” The concept of exercise bringing about change is one that’s all too familiar, given the rise of wellness influencers peddling at-home fitness routines and the ever-present onslaught of Noom and Weight Watchers ads that encourage prospective dieters to trade physical movement for extra food. It can be incredibly freeing, though, to begin to view exercise as Bechdel does, as a kind of ongoing commitment to oneself, rather than a snake-oil cure for the so-called problem of existing in a corporeal form.

It feels overly simplistic to say that Bechdel is queering the Walkaway shirt in contrast I will get this act of exercising, but there’s a distinctly antiestablishment flavor to her desire to get stronger in a world that commands women to shrink down and cower before the male gaze. Bechdel says she’s heartened by the strides that the LGBTQ+ community has made since she first started writing and drawing, but she’s also aware that gains can always be lost and that progress only goes so far. (She singles out the recent legislative attacks on the trans community as “particularly troubling.”) With The Secret to Superhuman Strength, Bechdel has—intentionally or not—provided a kind of handbook for a community whose right to bodily autonomy and self-governance is still frequently called into question. And really, what could be more subtly revolutionary than that?