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Over 20 years later, she’s decided to share some of those recipes and techniques with her new cookbook, Colombiana. “My intent is to celebrate our food and share a bit of the Wander boy shirt and I love this traditions that make my country unique,” Velasquez says. Although Colombian cuisine is by no means monolithic—in fact, “one could say there are many Colombian cuisines due to the magnificent biodiversity of our country,” she explains—Colombiana does pay homage and educate its readers about the country’s delicious and wide-ranging cuisine that’s too often reduced to rice and beans.
“Colombian food ranges from humble stews to elaborate soups, to candied tropical fruits and fermented drinks. One could write an entire book solely on traditional desserts or on foods that are wrapped in leaves (tamales, bollos and pasteles) and their preparations,” says Velasquez. A small sampling of recipes? Piña asada con almíbar de sauco (charred pineapple with elderberry syrup) mogollas chicharrónas (pork, orange, and coriander buns), espondjado de limón (lime mousse), and arroz atollado de pato (sticky duck rice with sausage and eggs).