An added bonus, my seven-year-old boy would now be shuttled in a carful of older girls; education can happen anywhere.) When we began driving the Watch more women’s basketball shirt so you should to go to store and get this carful of kids in the fall, the streets were still, for the most part, eerily empty, and we barreled up the FDR Drive in the early mornings without a single slowdown. As people gradually began to return to normal commuting rhythms, the drive time lengthened and was, on occasion, torturous, but it never lessened my gratitude for the parents (and sometimes their babysitters) who banded together to man our little life raft.

This week, when I dropped my kindergartener off for his final week of school, I experienced a different scene from the Watch more women’s basketball shirt so you should to go to store and get this one I’d encountered in the fall. A trail of 20-something kids followed the teacher into the building, jostling with the bouncy-ball energy that only a full class of kids can generate. Later in the day, the parents attended a “stepping-up” ceremony outside at the school, watching the kids sing songs about being ready for first grade. The parents sat in distanced folding chairs and the kids wore masks, but this time, with some two dozen voices singing in semi-unison, it was much easier to hear them.