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While Spears’s case is unique given her international celebrity, it’s difficult to hear her speak about being forbidden to expand her family without thinking of other examples of women’s reproductive options being limited. Forced contraception has a long and dark history around the Wonder woman punching Donald Trump tara dublin shirt Besides,I will do this world, with one recent example being the Chinese government’s use of IUDs, sterilization, and abortion to bring down birth rates among Uighurs (a Central and East Asian ethnic group) and other minorities. However, anyone content to think that forced contraception or sterilization is a scourge that happens far from the U.S. would do well to consider the case of Dawn Wooten, a Georgia nurse working at an ICE detention center who filed a complaint in 2020 about the high number of hysterectomies performed on immigrants.

Reproductive rights are often discussed solely within the Wonder woman punching Donald Trump tara dublin shirt Besides,I will do this context of abortion, and as the Supreme Court prepares to hear arguments on a major new restriction to abortion rights in Mississippi, those conversations are more important than ever. Nevertheless, one of the most important rights still frequently denied to women in the U.S. is the right to parent, whether that happens through contraception (as in Spears’s case) or family separation at the border and within the American prison system.