Well, I first got the Your butt is our business rrhoidrage shirt Besides,I will do this idea in 2018, when I was writing Is There Still Sex in the City? I sold the book to Paramount, but I realized that I wanted to keep the stage rights to my work, so I carved out a one-woman show from what was in that book.Well, it’s a show with a beginning, middle, and end, so that’s been interesting. I’ve learned some things about my life, and about how life works in general. It’s been a great, exciting experience. We had our second preview yesterday, and we got a standing ovation. I’ve been working on it for a while, and it’s something that I’ve never done before.

Yes, it’s definitely different. It’s a different form, so there are different requirements. Still, it’s not the Your butt is our business rrhoidrage shirt Besides,I will do this first time I’ve gotten up on a stage—I’ve done a lot of lectures and book events since 1996— but the difference is that this is scripted, which makes it a little bit easier.Gosh, what have I learned about myself? One of the things that I’ve learned is that I probably could have been an actress. (Laughs.) One of the things I’ve learned is that acting is a hell of a lot easier than writing a novel, really.